Frequently Asked Questions
What is Comfare?
Comfare allows you to compare prices and get the best rates on flights, hotels, and more – without any booking fees! Comfare is not a travel agent and does not sell tickets directly. Comfare partners with over 100+ travel service providers so that you can compare prices with a single search. When you enter your search data, Comfare generates a list of online travel agents you can select and compare with others. You then make your booking with one of these partner sites.
How do I use Comfare?
Using Comfare to find the best fares for your next flight is easy. Just click “Flights” at the top of the page and enter your flight dates, the “Origin” (from) and “Destination” (to) airports, the class (economy or business) and the number of seats you want to reserve. When you click “Search”, you’ll see which travel partners you can select to compare prices for the flight you’ve entered. Then click “Compare Selected” to see your results. From the results page, you can choose the flight you want and then complete your booking. Finding, comparing and booking flights and hotels is just that easy!
How does Comfare find such cheap flights & hotels?
Comfare allows you to quickly search and compare results from hundreds of travel service providers all in one place. We find and display offers for cheap flight tickets and hotel rooms from our trusted travel partners without any additional booking fees. Our travel booking service is free, which means that we never add any booking fees or use cookies to inflate prices. Please note that some of the prices shown may not include baggage fees.
I'm not sure if my booking was successful. How can I make sure?
You can confirm that your booking was successful by directly contacting the travel partner (airline, hotel, rental company or online agency) you booked with. Please do this before booking the same flight again or you may end up charged for two separate bookings.
What do I do if I don't get a confirmation email?
You should receive a confirmation email from the partner you selected shortly after you finalize your booking. Be sure to check your junk or spam folder if you don’t see one within a few minutes. If you still haven’t received a confirmation after 24 hours, contact the travel partner and ask for confirmation. Comfare is a flight & hotel comparison site. It does not receive or make reservations, issue tickets or provide travel details.
How to change/cancel my reservation?
After completing your booking with one of our travel partners, you’ll have to get in contact with them to alter or cancel your booking based on their cancellation policy. Our travel partners take your data privacy seriously, which is why Comfare can’t access your reservation or make changes or resend confirmation emails. Comfare works with partners who provide reliable and helpful service! If you’ve already been charged for your reservation, you can find out who your travel partner is by checking the name of the payee documented on your pending or completed charges (credit card or bank statement).
What is Comfare's refund policy?
Comfare provides you with price comparisons. We don’t sell anything, so we don’t have a refund policy. Payments – and refunds – are managed by the travel partner you selected to book your trip. For refund-related matters, contact your partner directly. If you’re not sure which company to contact, check your credit card statement or look for the email confirmation you received when you booked your travel.
Why does the price sometimes change when I try to make a booking?
Comfare always strives to obtain accurate pricing information, however, prices are not guaranteed. We do not book flights or hotels directly, Comfare allows you to quickly search and compare results from hundreds of travel service providers all in one place. Therefore we are unable to set or guarantee the prices shown by our travel service partners. Additionally, it is possible prices may change due to the volume of other people purchasing the same deal at the same time. As a result, you may find situations where the price you intended to pay is no longer available.
Can I search for and book flights for my child as well?
When you search for flights and ticket fares on Comfare, you can select the number of children and infant passengers by clicking on the passenger drop-down menu.
Can I reserve flights for other people?
If you want to pay for it, you can certainly book a flight for another person. Just be sure to have the correct passenger data. The passenger’s name is especially important – it needs to be absolutely identical to the name on the passenger’s ID exactly. One wrong or misplaced letter could invalidate the ticket. You don’t want a friend to travel to the airport and not be allowed on board! And many airlines charge a pretty stiff fee for changing or editing data after the ticket has been reserved. So, make sure everything is right before you book.
Does Comfare offer discount fares for military personnel?
Since we do not make bookings, we can’t arrange for any special discounts. Comfare is a price comparison website that allows you to compare and find your best option for travel. Once you’ve chosen one, contact the airline or travel agent directly to book your trip.
I am traveling with a group. Can I book a flight for a large group?
You can use Comfare to compare flight fares for as many as nine passengers at a time and can search for the best travel plans for any number of people. We recommend that you find the flight you want to reserve by completing a comparison search at Comfare and then contact the airline or travel agent directly to ask about group booking and rates.
Is hold baggage included in the prices displayed?
Comparison search results typically display only flight fares plus mandatory airport and fuel tax fees. Hold baggage often requires an additional fee that’s usually not shown in the price, so you would have to check baggage fees and allowances with airlines or travel agents. Check your travel partner’s website for details and then include your baggage while you go through the booking process.
Can I search for a trip with multiple stops?
This feature is currently not available on our website. But soon it will be available on Comfare we are working on it.
Where do the hotel's star ratings come from?
Both the hotels themselves and internet travel businesses that sell hotel rooms offer star ratings. Using such data provided by TrustYou™, Comfare shows the most accurate results. Given that some of these suppliers are more dependable than others, we present the number of stars while taking this into account.
How do I find the hotel's contact details?
You can contact the hotel using the information on your confirmation email or by getting in touch with your travel agency if you have already made an online reservation and have specific requests for your stay or need more information, such as the arrangements for an airport shuttle. If you haven’t made a reservation yet and simply want additional information, try using your chosen search engine to find the hotel’s website. If you can’t find the solution to a certain query on our website or the website of the travel agency, you should get in touch with the hotel directly.
Can I trust a hotel's review rating? Where are you getting those reviews?
We use TrustYou™ to calculate ratings based on all the reviews on multiple booking websites.
How to receive travel deals?
Subscribe to our travel deals newsletter! Just enter your email address at the bottom of Home page and then click “Subscribe”. You can unsubscribe any time you want. You can do this with the email newsletter you’ve received. (Contact us any time if you need assistance).